GCF Africa Cause of the month
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Every child deserves to grow up in a stable, loving family, but for many, this is not a reality. Give a Child... read more >


Lime Loans details

Lime Loans


Lime24 is an online loans service which was created by a team of people with similar ideas and extensive experience in the field of IT, finance and marketing. Lime24 online service is owned by Lime Loans South Africa (Pty) Ltd and is registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR) - Registration NCRCP80077. To get a loan, users must have a South African ID document, a mobile phone, a bank account in which Lime24 can send the money. With full automation of all business processes, reviewing the application for credit and transfer of funds to the client's bank account take only a few minutes.
R180 per loan application
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