GCF Africa Cause of the month
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Every child deserves to grow up in a stable, loving family, but for many, this is not a reality. Give a Child... read more >

Molo Mhlaba Schools cause details

Molo Mhlaba Schools

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with STEAM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education, early literacy development, physical health education and outreach programmes for children in the Khayelitsha community. The Molo Mhlaba Schools is a philanthropic venture that will establish and manage a network of low-fee, independent private schools in underserved urban communities across South Africa. Currently, Molo Mhlaba manages the first two girls-only and STEAM-focused primary schools with the construction of a third campus underway. Molo Mhlaba’s vision 2030 is to operate a network of 10 micro STEAM primary schools for girls in underserved communities across South Africa.

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