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Hashtag Nonprofit is a digital magazine for and about the South African nonprofit community. We aim to... read more >

ACT Africa: No to Violence & Stop The Traffick ™️ cause details

ACT Africa: No to Violence & Stop The Traffick ™️

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With the continuous rise of Human Trafficking and GBVF in South Africa, ACT Africa has set up a board game project (digital & hardcopy) aimed at educating young girls and boys starting in our South African schools then across the continent, then the rest of the globe about Human Trafficking and the pandemic of GBVF in order to educate and inform young male and female children about Human Trafficking and GBVF and prevent them from becoming perpetrators and or victims. Using play as a form of learning, the board games are intended to teach with understanding about various aspects of these issues. With the belief that instilling correct knowledge into young minds about Human Trafficking and GBVF from a tender age. The goal of this project is through corrective learning; our children will choose to not be future perpetrators of GBVF as well as get caught up in Human Trafficking as victims and/or as recruiters. We are aiming to reach 13 million school children across 25 000 schools in South Africa. The games will be group interactive, challenging and engaging. Designed for school children 10 to 18 years of age; it will use age-appropriate and quick-to-understand language. ™️ www.actafrica.org.za

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